The Board is supported by a committee structure that adds scrutiny to our activities.

Customer Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to ensure that PA Housing engages effectively with its customers and focuses on enhancing the overall customer experience. It acts as a ‘scrutiny panel’ and is responsible for making recommendations to the Board to improve customer services, service performance, customer safety from a customer experience perspective and feedback on design excellence in new developments in order to provide a higher quality customer experience. It also ensures that the ‘customer voice’ is captured and actioned through the Customer Engagement strategy. It is responsible for reviewing:

  • Customer Engagement strategy
  • Service Improvement plan
  • Service delivery performance
  • Resident Council, Tenant Forum and the Scrutiny Panel
  • Franklands Park Limited

The Committee is chaired by Tom Vaughan.

The Committee members are Kathleen Harris-Leighton, Kim Francis, Susan Goldsmith, and Emma McLachlan.

Finance and Risk Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to oversee and provide assurance to the Board in discharging its responsibility for PA Housing’s (PA’s) internal controls, audit and risk activities in respect of:

  • Business Plan and stress testing
  • New financing
  • Financial Reporting and Control
  • Other Financial areas (as deemed appropriate by the Board or Committee Members)
  • External audit
  • Internal control and compliance
  • Internal audit
  • Risk Management & Risk Management Framework

The Committee is chaired by Susan Goldsmith.

The Committee members are Kathleen Harris-Leighton, Rahul Jaitly, Tim Hill, and Tim Jennings.

Investment Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to oversee and provide assurance to the Board in discharging its responsibility for PA Housing’s asset management and development activity, to oversee:

  • Building safety and compliance programme
  • Stock reinvestment programme (existing homes)
  • Development programme (new homes)
  • Regeneration programme (in partnership or PA homes)
  • Acquisition and disposal of assets
  • Sustainable investment across all these activities

The Committee is chaired by Andrew Carrington. 

The Committee members are Jo Banfield, Tim Hill, and Tim Jennings.


People and Governance Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to oversee and provide assurance to the Board in discharging its responsibility for PA Housing’s obligations in relation to governance, remuneration, nomination, appraisal, renewal and termination of the Board Chair, Board members and Executive Directors including:

  • Capability and capacity of the Board

  • Board effectiveness

  • Remuneration structure and levels

  • Pension strategy

The Committee is chaired by Jo Banfield.

The Committee members are Andrew Carrington, Kim Francis, Rahul Jaitly, and Tom Vaughan.