Customer Services

If you've ever phoned us, you'll have spoken to a member of the Customer Services Team. They don't just answer the phones though. They also answer emails, and make important outbound calls to our residents. Our out-of-hours team, Service 24 are also part of this team if ever you have an emergency.

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Digital Team

Have you registered for My PA yet? Our Digital Team are responsible for making sure that our online services are working and are continuously being improved so they're the best they can be for you.

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Sometimes things go wrong. When that happens it's important we say sorry and do what we can to put the situation right. If you need to complain, this team will be the ones to help do just that.

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The Neighbourhoods Team are your eyes and ears on the ground. You'll spot them easily in their grey uniforms as they are out and about in your neighbourhoods. They help look after where you live including monitoring things like communal cleaning and gardening. If you see them, go say hi!

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Resident Involvement

We work closely with our residents to make sure your voices are helping decide what we do, and how you want your services delivered. Our Resident Involvement Team help residents get involved.

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Lettings and Home Moves

When you first moved into your home, this team will have the been the ones who helped you get the keys by finding the right property for you. If your circumstances have changed since you moved in and you need to downsize, or you're considering a Mutual Exchange, they can also help.

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Income Services

This is the team who look after your rent account and you may have spoken to them if you've ever had a query with your rent, if you've missed a payment, or need to request a refund. They don't set the rents and service charges though.

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Rent and Service Charge

Each year we need to set your rent and service charges, and it's important you understand what you're paying for. The Rent and Service Charge team set these charges as well as help to answer any queries you might have.

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Tenancy Sustainment

If you're struggling to manage your finances, or perhaps you're confused by what benefits you may be entitled to, or you just need a little bit of extra support, our Tenancy Sustainment Team are here to help you.

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Antisocial Behaviour

We have a specialist team who are there to support you if you're having problems with antisocial behaviour, such as noise nuisance. They work closely with other agencies like the Police or Environmental Health and will take legal action against perpetrators where there is clear evidence they're in breach of their tenancy

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We also have a specialist team to help residents who may need a little extra support and who get involved where there are issues which may affect the health and safety of one of our residents, or their families. This could be offering support to victims of domestic violence or child neglect, cuckooing, tenancy fraud or hoarding.

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If you're a tenant of ours, then we'll be responsible for most of the repairs in your home, these are called day-to-day repairs. If something breaks, then we'll arrange for one of our contractors to come and fix it for you. Depending on what the issue is will depend on how long this repair takes.

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Building Services

You might live in a block of flats with a door entry system, lift, or communal television aerial. Our Building Services Team help look after your building to make sure things like this stay working.

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Planned Maintenance

This is different from the day-to-day repairs above. These are longer term improvements to your home, like a new kitchen, bathroom, heating system, windows or maybe even a roof. The team will carry out a home survey to see if and when your home needs any improvements. They also help with things like adapting your home if your circumstances have changed, perhaps due to poor health. 

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Damp and Mould

If you're experiencing damp or mould in your home it could be a sign you have a leak or that something is wrong that needs fixing so it's important you let us know. The team will arrange for someone to come and survey your home and then carry out work to put things right.

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Fire Safety

Making sure your homes are safe is an important job, especially if you live in a block of flats with communal spaces, fire doors and alarm equipment. This team carry out regular checks and maintenance to help keep you safe.

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Gas Safety

Every year, people die in their own homes because of gas leaks and the fires they can cause. We have a team who help make sure your gas appliances, like your boiler, and your connection are safe, It's part of your tenancy agreement to let us in each year to check these.

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Home Ownership

If you're a shared owner or leaseholder then the services we provide to you will probably be different to those listed above as you'll normally be responsible for your own repairs for example. We have a dedicated team to help look after your queries though.

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Support Services

As well as all of our front facing teams listed above, we also have a number of teams who work in the background to make sure that we keep running as a business. This includes teams like HR, IT, Finance, Data Insights, Governance and Risk, Facilities, and Communications.


Our people promise

Whether you’re a resident, a colleague, or one of our stakeholders, we’re all people and we’re in this together to make your homes and communities the best that they can be.

This promise sets out the attitudes, behaviours, and responsibilities we all need to follow to make that possible. 

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