Depending on your circumstances, there may be a number of reason why you think you need to end your tenancy.

Temporarily moving out

There may be times when you need to leave your home for a long period of time but will be returning. For example, you may need to go into hospital or to go abroad.

You must tell us before you go, and give us some idea when you think you will be back. You must also tell us if someone will be staying in your home while you are away and what arrangements you have made for paying your rent. If rent arrears build up while you are away, they are still your responsibility.


Joint tenancy amendment

If you have a joint tenancy and wish to leave your home, you must let us know. You are still responsible for all the tenancy conditions if your name is on the agreement.

If both tenants are happy to have a name removed from the agreement, then we’ll sort that paperwork out. However, if only one of you wishes to give up the tenancy we’ll have to give you notice to quit.


Domestic abuse

If you are moving out due to domestic abuse, please view on domestic violence section for further information.

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Mutual exchanges

It’s often the quickest and best to get a bigger property or one in an area you want. It can certainly be a lot quicker than other rehousing methods such as seeking a transfer because:

We don’t have enough homes to house all the people who want one.

We’re particularly short of three bedroom houses and flats. You might not get a high priority on the waiting list so you could be waiting a long time.

You might want to move to an area we don’t have homes.

Find out more

Death of a resident

If you are clearing a home on behalf of a relative who has passed away, we will support you. Let us know and we’ll help you through the process. We’ll need to charge rent while you still have the keys, so letting us know as soon as possible is important. It might be helpful for you to know that if your relative received housing benefit, the Government stop that payment immediately.

If you lived with the deceased resident at the time of their death and the home is your only and main property, you may have the right to take on their tenancy. Ask us, and we’ll help you understand if you are eligible.


Ending your tenancy

If you wish to end your tenancy you will have to provide us with 4-weeks, written notice, either by email or post. Please ensure you include your full address in your notice, including postcode.

Unless you have the power of attorney, you can not request to give notice on another person's tenancy.

Before you move out of your home, please make sure you:

  • Pay your rent in full.
  • Complete all outstanding repairs.
  • Hand in all keys, including those for communal doors and key fobs for garages etc. We will charge you for replacements if all keys aren’t returned.
  • Clean the property and clear it of any rubbish.
  • Pay any outstanding utility bills in full. If you could let us know your supplier and final meter reading, that would be useful information for the next tenant. 

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