Making changes to your lease

Change of name

If you need to change the names on your lease, for example if you have married or separated, please get in touch with us straight away.

If you have changed names following a marriage or civil partnership, we will need to see a copy of your marriage or civil partnership certificate, and we will update our records. 

If you need to add or remove names on the property we will need notice of the change from your solicitor because the lease is a legal document.

Extending your lease

Leases are usually granted with either a 99 or 125 year term. Where the remaining term of your lease starts to fall below 80 years you might face difficulties if you want to sell your home or remortgage because mortgage lenders tend not to approve them.

A lease extension is a statutory right for 100% leaseholders provided you meet the eligibility criteria detailed. Shared owners cannot formally apply to extend their lease through this statutory route.

Contact the homeownership team

Selling, remortgaging, or buying more shares

if you're looking to stair case, remortgage your home or the time has come from your to move on, and you're looking to sell our Sales Team are here to help answer your queries.

Selling your home

Let us know when you want to sell your home.

Your Shared Ownership lease grants us a ‘nomination period’ of 8 weeks - allowing us time to find a suitable buyer for your home. Contact our sales team directly using the button below. They will be happy to help.


Whether you are a shared owner with us or own 100% of your property, you need our consent if you wish to remortgage in order to borrow money against your property, or if you are changing mortgage provider.

Initially we need written notice from either your lender or solicitor. An administration fee is also payable. Contact our sales team directly using the button below. They will be happy to help.

Buying more shares

As a shared owner you can purchase additional shares in the property you own. This is known as staircasing. First ask us for an information pack, which includes forms you will need to apply.

Contact the sales team