What do I need to be mindful of when considering CCTV? 

  • CCTV should only ever be considered as the last resort. Have you considered any other methods to improve how safe you feel in your own home?
    For example, improved lighting. 
  • Are you aware of how to ensure you use and maintain your CCTV in a legal way?
    This includes correct storage and viewing of the data and being prepared to respond to requests for the footage that people have appeared in. 
  • What will be the impact on your neighbours?
  • Will it make them feel less safe and violate their privacy? 
  • Do you have adequate storage and playback capability? 
  • Will the footage you capture meet the criteria necessary for partner agencies (such as the police or the council) to use this to facilitate investigations? 

How to request CCTV?

If you would like to install your own CCTV or believe that your neighbourhood would benefit from installing PA Housing-managed CCTV equipment, please click the relevant link below and fill out the application. 

Video doorbells

You do not need permission from PA Housing to install and use a video doorbell, but you need to be aware of the legal restrictions when using them.   

If you already have your own private CCTV or a video doorbell, have a look at the following tips to ensure you don't fall foul of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): 

  • Ensure that only necessary footage is recorded and stored and that any footage which is not relevant is deleted as soon as possible. 
  • Ensure that CCTV is used to respect people’s privacy and that personal data is not captured or stored. For example, ensure you’re only filming your property, not your neighbours’ or communal areas.  
  • Provide clear signage to inform people that CCTV is in use and inform them of the purpose for which it is being used. 
  • Ensure that CCTV systems are secure and only accessible to authorised personnel. 
  • Ensure that any recorded footage is stored securely, with access limited to authorised personnel only. 
  • Ensure that any footage is deleted when it is no longer required or relevant. 
  • Provide individuals with access to any footage to which they have a right to. 
  • Check out the ICO guidance (Information Commissioner’s Office) if you're ever in doubt.  
  •  Download our branded ‘smile you’re on CCTV’ sign.