Pet 1

If animal is not mention in drop down

Pet 2

If animal is not mention in drop down

Responsible pet guidelines

As a responsible pet owner, I will:

Get permission if I want to keep a pet (this needs to be in writing and set up in advance).
Keep only the number and type of pets I have permission for in my home.
Neuter or spay dogs and cats.
Pick up my pet's mess and dispose of it responsibly.
Microchip or tattoo my pet (the number or details should be included in this form).
Make sure my pet is treated regularly for parasites, like fleas and worms.
Fix any damage my pets cause to the property, including to the gardens

I will not:

Let my dog wander around unsupervised without a collar or lead. The collar needs to have a tag.
Leave my pet in my home while I am away unless I have set up clear and adequate care until I return. This usually means my pet will need to board.
Let my pets cause a nuisance or disturb my neighbours or visitors including contractors or staff.
Breed or sell animals from my home under any circumstances.
Keep a dog listed in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 or train my dogs to fight or attack.
Keep an animal listed in the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976 Schedule.

Form declaration

I have read the ‘Responsible pet owner guidelines’ and I understand that if I breach them, this could affect my lease/tenancy agreement and I may lose my permission to keep pets. I also agree that if I keep more pets than I am allowed, PA Housing may take action against me for breaching the terms of my lease/tenancy agreement.