Each year we write to you with information about your service charges, and it’s important you understand that information and what it means to you, your home, and where you live.
You may have already completed our survey too, which can be completed here.
We're organising both face-to-face and virtual meetings to gain your feedback on how we communicate your service charges, covering topics such as
- wording of letters
- the style and tone of letters
- the type of communication
- the frequency of communication
The sessions are about how you receive the information, not about your individual charges, or any concerns or queries you may have about the services you receive.
The sessions are two-hours and are being held across the Midlands, South East and London at one of our schemes. If you can't make it to a face-to-face session, don't worry. We're also hosting a few online sessions. Just choose the time and date which suits you best on the registration form below.
We'll then use your feedback to make changes so your service charges are as easy to understand as possible.
Book your place now
If you'd like to join us, please book your place at a venue close to where you live, or at one of our online sessions.
Please only book one session.